MsgBxGen MsgBox Editor Form1 Frames &Icon Display Options Label1 ;Click on the icon of your choice to place it on your MsgBox IconPic """"" """"" """"" """"" """""" """""" """"""""""""" """"" """"" """""" """""" """""" """""" """"""/ """"" """"""/ """"" """"""" """"" """"""" """"" """""""/ """""""/ """"""" IcPicLabel Questions for the User IconPic IcPicLabel Critical Error Messages IconPic DDDDDDD DDDDDDDDD DDDDDO DDDDDO DDDDDO DDDD@ DDDDDO DDDD@ DDDDDO DDDD@ DDDDDDO DDDDD DDDDDDO DDDDD DDDDDDO DDDDD DDDDDDO DDDDD DDDDDDO DDDDD DDDDDDO DDDDD DDDDDDO DDDDD DDDDD DDDDD DDDD@ DDDDDDDDDDDDD@ DDDDDDDDDDDDD@ DDDDDO DDDDD DDDDD DDDDD IcPicLabel Information for the User IconPic IcPicLabel Important Messages IconPic IcPicLabel No Icon Displayed Frames &Button Display Options ButOpt Ok Button Only ButOpt Ok and Cancel Buttons ButOpt Abort, Retry, and Ignore Buttons ButOpt Yes, No, and Cancel Buttons ButOpt Yes and No Buttons ButOpt Retry and Cancel Buttons Frames &Code Options CodeOpt Procedure CodeOpt Function AboutLabel &About... Frames &Default Button Option DefaultLabel DefaultLabel DefaultLabel EditCtl $&Edit Message Box Title and Contents CopyCtl &Place Code on Clipboard ExitCtl Frame1_DragDrop| SourceU IconPic_Click Indexi IconPic# BorderStyle# IconPic_LostFocus Label5_Click Label6_ClickY Label12_Click7 IcDisLabel_Clicki IconNum Incex IconPic_GotFocus IcPicLabel_Click Form_Click^ Label1_ClickG Command1_Click EditCtl_Click MsgEdit Iconstyle1 IconPic_DblClick< DefaultLabel_Click DefaultLabel_MouseDown Button Shift DefaultLabel BackColort Default DefaultChoiceX DefaultLabel_DblClick THIRD Caption SECOND_q FIRST/ DefaultLabel_Change NString CString AboutLabel_Click @ Form_Load ButtonOpt Value ButOpt TRUE= CodeOpt Codemode ButtonStyle Frame2_DragDropQ CodeOpt_Click HelpLabel_Click SetIconPic SetButtonOpt SetDefaultLabelM Form_KeyPress KeyAscii ExitCtl_Click MsgBxGen TheMessage TheTitle* CopyCtl_Clickc Header TheStyle CoderF Handler Whole Clipboardn CF_TEXT FreshMessage MessageEdit Textz AReturn CReturn ButtonstyleTheMessage RawMessage Frames_DragDrop ButOpt_Click ButOpt_DragOver State ButOpt_GotFocus CodeOpt_GotFocus Form1^ MBAbout TheAnswer WindowState MINIMIZED Another Title Message AboutLabel_MouseDown AboutLabel AboutLabel_MouseUp ForeColor IconPic_Click EditCtl_Click DefaultLabel_Click DefaultLabel_MouseDown DefaultLabel_DblClick Form_Load Initialize variables and controls IcPicLabel_Click IconPic_GotFocus SetIconPic SetDefaultLabel THIRD" SECOND FIRST" CopyCtl_Click + CR$ MsgBox TheMessage$, TheStyle, TheTitle$" TheAnswer = MsgBox(TheMessage$, TheStyle, TheTitle$) TheMessage$ = TheMessage$ = TheMessage$ + TheMessage$ = TheMessage$ + TheMessage$ = TheMessage$ = TheMessage$ + TheMessage$ = TheMessage$ + TheMessage$ = CR$ = Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)" TheStyle = " TheTitle$ = If TheAnswer = 4 Then 'Answered Retry Else 'Answered Cancel" End If If TheAnswer = 6 Then 'Answered Yes Else 'Answered No" End If Select Case TheAnswer" Case 7 'Pressed No" Case 6 'Answered Yes" Case Else 'Answered Cancel End Select Select Case TheAnswer" Case 5 'Pressed Ignore" Case 4 'Answered Retry" Case Else 'Answered Abort" End Select If TheAnswer = 1 Then 'Answered OK" Else 'Answered Cancel" End If Iconize this program (No means exit!) ?" MsgBox Editor" Answered Yes Answered Now ButOpt_GotFocus CodeOpt_GotFocus AboutLabel_Click ExitCtl_Click AboutLabel_MouseDown AboutLabel_MouseUp